What will I gain as a member of the Forum?
Beyond garnering insights into leading-edge practices of other well respected organizations across the country, the Forum offers a rare opportunity to solve problems, expand skill sets, and build relationships with some of the most forward-thinking executives in America. This exclusive group will set precedents as leaders in their industry sectors, and each member will serve an active role in shaping ideas, strategies, and insights that will be helpful to their peers nationwide.
How long may I participate in the Forum?
Forum members are invited to participate initially for four consecutive calendar quarters. At their option, members may participate for four additional quarters. After the initial period, members that decide not to continue their participation may assign their place on the Forum to a co-worker who would participate for four quarters. Output of the Forum is singularly dictated by its members – and could result in a published list of best practices, targeted speaking opportunities, or simply the continuation of the Forum as a discussion group focused on maximizing value for stakeholders.
What is the cost to be a member?
There is no cost for joining the Forum. Forum membership is by invitation only and is strictly limited 10-15 active members at a given time. Candidates for the Forum will have an interest in excelling in their role, connecting with other organizations in their industry, and benefiting from a collective perspective on critical issues. Fill out a Statement of Interest form to start your membership application.
Confidentiality and Non-disclosure
Members of the Forum accept as confidential the matters they discuss during the Forum’s formal and informal sessions and also agree that all materials produced in connection with the Forum’s proceedings are the exclusive property of the Forum and may not be disclosed by the Forum’s members to non-members without the Forum’s written permission.
Forum members – login here