Nonprofit Hospitals
Leadership is essential in meeting today’s challenges for small and large nonprofit hospitals alike. The Executive Leadership Forum is a resource for executives that seek answers to the challenges that they shoulder, such as:
- mergers;
- leveraging their hospital’s scale with vendors and insurers;
- recruitment of top management and physicians;
- the changing health care environment;
- risk management;
- executive compensation; and
- leadership succession.
Executives that participate in the hospital section of the Executive Leadership Forum enjoy access to a powerful community of nonprofit hospital executives. Each one shares like experiences as well as a devotion to excellence, professional development, risk management, and modernization.
Plus, participation in the Forum links you to:
- research;
- fiduciary standards;
- publications;
- tools;
- education; and
- a focused blog.
Inquire about participation in the Executive Leadership Forum.
Forum members – login here