The Excellent Fiduciary Podcast
The Excellent Fiduciary Podcast
Implementing the DOL's Cybersecurity Guidance - Part 3

Most human resources executives know about the guidance announced in April 2021 by the DOL’s enforcement arm, the Employee Benefits Security Administration or EBSA. The EBSA’s release covered three different groups; plan fiduciaries, service providers, and plan participants. Our first two podcasts in this series discussed best practices for plan fiduciaries and vendors. This podcast focuses on the third group, plan participants. The EBSA’s guidance is titled Online Security Tips. Hear our host describe a list of topics that you may use to communicate with your plan’s participants on this subject.

About our host

Ronald E. Hagan is chairman of Roland|Criss’ Risk Standards Committee.  Ron has over 25 years of experience helping clients examine and improve their risk management practices for employee benefit plans qualified under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.  He is the engaging host of Roland|Criss’ weekly podcast and quarterly webinar series.

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