The Excellent Fiduciary Podcast
The Excellent Fiduciary Podcast
Simplifying Cybersecurity for Employee Benefit Plans

Cybersecurity is confusing and complex for many in the benefit plan community, and it’s not a topic that excites discussion in human resources circles. Due to the technical nature of information technology systems and networks, it would be easy to think of compliance with the Department of Labor’s cybersecurity rules as an IT issue. But is that thinking accurate?

The goal of this episode of the Excellent Fiduciary podcast is to simplify the subject for employee benefit plan managers and clarify who is responsible for compliance.

About our host

Ronald E. Hagan is chairman of Roland|Criss’ Risk Standards Committee.  Ron has over 25 years of experience helping clients examine and improve their risk management practices for employee benefit plans qualified under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.  He is the engaging host of Roland|Criss’ weekly podcast and quarterly webinar series.

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