The EBP Cybersecurity Forum is the source of information, ideas, and news for executives who oversee their organizations’ employee benefit plans.


As a network of executives involved in managing employee benefit plans (“EBP”), the Forum supports and promotes the work of its members through online engagement, application of regulatory developments to operating procedures, mutual learning, and sharing innovative and best practices.

The Forum’s activities

As assumptions that the information technology departments of employer enterprises are responsible for the security of employee benefit plan data and assets get overturned, human resources executives, risk managers, and fiduciary committees are looking for guide rails to steer their transformation.

The unique platform provided by the Forum helps leaders from all industries and benefit plan types to prepare for exponentially disruptive change.

The following three areas of EBP management frame the Forum’s activities:

Our conversations, meetings, materials, and resources embrace service providers for retirement and health plans, practice standards, employee communication, government audit readiness, and internal assessments.

Focused exclusively on cybersecurity for human resources programs, Forum members get concise weekly updates, articles, and research that’s hard to find elsewhere.

We are committed to protecting your personal information and respecting your privacy.
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