Unraveling the Complexities of 403(b) Plans

PODCAST Since the Pension Protection Act of 2006 was enacted the Department of Labor has found massive procedural issues among retirement plans sponsored by non-profit organizations. Time 18:17 Listen in to learn what’s at stake. About our guest Ronald E. Hagan is...

Risk Strategies for Nonprofit ERISA Plans

PODCAST This podcast reflects on the pre-ERISA days of 403(b) plans and examines how the shift to ERISA still challenges leaders in the higher education and healthcare sectors. Time 14:25 Hear how new governance, risk, and compliance (“GRC”) solutions are changing the...

The Real Impact of the Fee Disclosure Rule

PODCAST Organizations that sponsor ERISA retirement plans have long struggled with the complexities of their vendors’ fee arrangements. The Department of Labor (“DOL”) blames much of that struggle on an information gap that divides plan managers and vendors. ...

A Periodic Comprehensive Plan Review is a Must

PODCAST Setting up a retirement plan is hard work. Once setup, a periodic review is the most often ignored part of the entire retirement plan management process. Time 15:39 In today’s world, a comprehensive annual plan review is a necessity. About our guest Christine...

Cybersecurity is a Fiduciary Matter

PODCAST High profile cyber attacks on retirement plans over the last two years have stimulated concerns among regulators about the threat that cybercrime poses for the information and assets held in retirement plans. Time 15:00 This episode reveals how cybersecurity...
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