Ronald E. Hagan is Chairman of the Risk Standards Committee, which is a non-governing body within the Roland|Criss Advisory Board. In this role, Ron is responsible for leading the development of compliance and operating innovations for use by commercial and non-profit organizations.

Ron helped form the Roland|Criss organization in 1994 that lead to the formation of Roland|Criss Fiduciary Services. Prior to joining Roland|Criss, Ron spent several years in the banking industry where he occupied senior level executive positions. He is also a former Principal with Booz, Allen, and Hamilton, Inc. where he dealt primarily with corporate governance and risk management issues among the firm’s Fortune 500 clients.

Ron was a member of the select committee that developed the Fiduciary Standard for Endowments and Foundations in 2010. That role keeps him actively involved with states Attorneys General, who enforce the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (UPMIFA) within the non-profit community.

Ron has published numerous articles on the subject of fiduciary standards of care. He is author of the “Excellent Fiduciary” column that appears in each issue of the Journal of Compensation and Benefits, which is a national publication of Thomson Reuters. He is in frequent in demand as a speaker at industry trade conferences, CPA sponsored workshops, and national webcasts.

During his tenure with Roland|Criss, Ron has led process audits of retirement plans, non-profit organizations, and investment firms in the U.S., Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. Ron earned a degree in accounting and carries the AIFA and CFFS™ designations.

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