There is one issue that will determine an employer’s risk status during the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s how its finance and human resources executives manage the emerging complex fiduciary challenges.
A Pandemic Action Plan for Human Resources
Fiduciary risk management is heavily dependent on a system of internal controls. Such controls help executives and managers that oversee retirement plans understand the risks they are exposed to and establish surveillance steps that counter threats.
An internal controls program, built around fiduciary standards of care, is essential for mapping the journey to fiduciary excellence. In today’s world, an ERISA based GRC system of internal controls is imperative for employers. Indeed, with proper internal controls practices in place, governance and investment-related risks discussed in this article can be simultaneously and proactively addressed.
A plan sponsor may put in place internal controls around the organization’s retirement plan management process by following three primary steps:
1. Conduct an Assessment
2. Consolidate Key Data Sources
• The plan’s rule book (i.e., the “Plan Document”);
• Governance policies;
• Administration procedures;
• Investment decision making parameters;
• Minutes of fiduciary committee meetings;
• Recordkeeping/TPA vendor’s reports;
• Investments provider(s)’ reports; and
• Records archive.
3. Define Control Steps
• Decision-making authorizations;
• Division of duties;
• Vendor selection and performance reviews;
• Physical access to premises and participant data; and
• Cybersecurity.