Video Explainers

Our firm’s video explainers are powerful visual tools designed to break down complex information into easily digestible content.

Retirement Plans
Healthcare Plans
Third-Party Risk Management
Retirement Plans

Managing a 401k Plan is Risky Business
Due to a simple misconception, the investment discipline distorts 401(k) plan oversight risks. This video discusses how professional fiduciaries de-risk that threat.

Healthcare Plans

Pressure Mounts on Healthcare Plans
Under the combined weight of two federal rules affecting qualified healthcare plans, employers are liable not only for the outcome of a critical analysis defined in the rules but also for the supervision and selection of the plan’s third-party administrator.

Third-Party Risk Management

Cybersecurity Audits of Employee Benefit Plan Vendors Fall Short
Due to the dynamic pace at which data security attacks occur, point-in-time audits and certifications do little to help predict or confirm a vendor’s day-to-day data security effectiveness.

Retirement Plans

Assessments Enhance Assurance
Regular and comprehensive assessments serve as the armor that protects employee benefit plans from potential risks, ensures compliance with ever-evolving regulations, and ultimately secures the financial future of plan participants.


 Cybersecurity Regulatory Hotspots in 2025
In 2024, the U.S. Department of Labor took significant regulatory actions to enhance cybersecurity for employee benefit plans.


Third Party Risk Management

 What Does it Mean to Monitor Service Providers?
Anyone on whom fiduciary responsibility rests for a retirement or healthcare plan knows they must monitor their plan service providers. However, the law doesn’t describe what steps satisfy that responsibility. So, what does “monitoring” look like?

Retirement Plans

Common Deficiencies in Retirement
Plan Audits

Learn about the key violations of ERISA and the Internal Revenue Code that CPAs find in their annual audits of retirement plans. This video provides guidelines on how to avoid them.


HR is Pivotal in Cybersecurity Culture

Human Resources leaders can effectively educate employees about cyber risks, implement best practices, and foster a culture of cyber awareness through comprehensive training, policy enforcement, and collaboration with other departments.

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