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Modernizing Practices for Investment Fiduciaries

Webinar Summary

Why this topic, and why now?

  1. The volatility of the investment markets presents a bewildering array of questions for executives who serve on employee benefit plan committees.
  2. Excessive investment fees represent the potential for serious legal risks for employers and benefit plan executives.
  3. The trend toward environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) investing raises new challenges.
  4. Recent lawsuits have engulfed Qualified Default Investment Alternatives (“QDIA”) and Target Date Funds (“TDF”)

Together, these events require an upgrade in the decision-making practices of employee benefit plan fiduciaries.

Our discussion leaders will increase your knowledge on these topics:

  • The accountability standard for investment fiduciaries
  • Investment policy considerations
  • Creating a defensible decision-making track record
  • How market volatility affects fiduciary decision-making
  • When to change course
  • Recent court decisions affecting fiduciaries
  • The turmoil surrounding QDIA investments and TDFs
  • ESG factors and how to identify funds that consider them.

Ronald E. Hagan, Chairman of the Risk Standards Committee for Roland|Criss, and Glenn A. Dial, Vice President, Senior Retirement Strategist for American Century Investments®, lead the discussion.

This is now a recorded session.
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