Tricky Angles on Fiduciary Duty #3

Tip for July 2019   Committee members can be liable for fiduciary violations of previous committees   If you’re a member of a retirement plan committee, you could be responsible for a breach in your employer’s ERISA fiduciary duty even if it...

Tricky Angles on Fiduciary Duty #2

Tip for June 2019   Operational assessments improve employee benefit plans and cut fiduciary risk   Manufacturing, higher education, and healthcare are just a few of the industry sectors that have to comply with fiduciary rules. That makes a check up on your...

Tricky Angles on Fiduciary Duty

Tip for May 2019 You’ve probably read articles about the legal and moral responsibilities that employers take on when they sponsor a retirement plan. When assigned by their employers to the role of fiduciary, many executives admit that their agendas continue to...

Payroll Breeds Trouble for Fiduciaries

The point at which a retirement plan and a payroll system intersect is a breeding ground for the most common violations of fiduciary duty. And they can be the most unwieldy to fix. Caution: The annual financial audit performed by a plan’s CPA won’t necessarily catch...
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